The new school semester will be starting in a couple of weeks, and with it returns my often fascinating commute via public transportation in Washington, D.C., also known as Metro. If I'm flush with cash (which is rare given I'm a full time student), I take one bus to the subway station. From there, I take one train to the College Park Metro station. Usually, though, my commute entails a number of buses.
Among the assortment of people with places to go and things to do with whom I share my daily commute will be those who are plugged in to some device via earphones. The “Wired Ones” are usually listening to music. Depending on the leg of my commute, the musical concert may be a rap or hip hop selection or a tune from the rock genre.
Most intriguing to me, though, is this: If the Wired One is wearing earphones, why am I able to hear, oftentimes with great clarity, the musical selection of the moment?
While stumbling around the 'Net' this morning, I came across the following interactive chart at the website of the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.
Fact Sheet: Know the Power of Sound
Something to think about!!
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